We can’t all be van Gogh, but sometimes all you have to do is try. Have you ever found yourself admiring those who can create an attractive scene on paper with just a touch of colour and a few lines? If so, the time has come for you to try out the art of the travel journal.
A well-stocked backpack, boots, sunglasses, a diary and some watercolours. You were quite right not to choose a very demanding route. Rather than focusing on physical fitness, your walk should be all about the sensory experience. You don’t have any deadlines to meet. Just stop where you feel inspired or impressed by the landscape and observe everything around you.
You’ve found it! This is the scene you want to capture in your head and on your sheet of paper.
The art of making unforgettable memories
For a memory to be unforgettable you have to memorise it with all five senses or draw it. A sunny walk in the mountains in good company is the perfect scenario for creating your very own travel journal.
While your companions rest, admire the view or set up a picnic, simply wet your brush and then choose a colour. Do you need more water? Less water? It’s all a question of balance, like everything in life. Are your thoughts running away with you? Are you thinking about other things? Don’t let it happen. Focus on your sketch, on the palette and on your chosen scene. Just remember to leave some blank spaces on the sheet to give your picture the light it needs.
There’s still a bit of a climb ahead. You’ve earned your picnic and the next stop is the little lake where you can soak your feet in the cold water.
Your diary doesn’t end here. The great thing about travel journals is that they represent an endless journey. Everything that has made an impression on you, for whatever reason, can feature alongside the drawings you have done on your walk. Jot down your thoughts, a short story, add some stems of pressed grass and the flat little stone you could have skimmed over the water.
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