Nufenen Pass
Even the massive mountain transit of Nufenen offers many attractions. Up and down in the Alps, from Bern, across the Grimsel Pass and South of the Nufenen Pass, then a long descent following the Ticino River, which flows for 91 kilometers before plunging into Lake Maggiore.
From the palm trees and Mediterranean climate of Lake Maggiore to the top of the Nufenen Pass you have time to catch more than a glimpse of the stupendous sights. With its 2478 m.s.l. Nufenen Pass is Switzerland’s highest travelled mountain pass.
The road ranges from Ulrichen Goms and the Aeginen Valley between Nufenen bottom (2868 m.s.l.) and Pizzo Gallina (3060 m.s.l.) to the Bedretto Valley and Airolo.
The gourmet travellers should try, in the hamlet of Villa Bedretto, the “Pastefrolle” (Ticino's cookies in their traditional S-shape). The shortbreads come from the Bedretto Valley and are made only with authentic ingredients and butter from the surrounding Alps.
Nufenen Pass
Altitude: 2478 m.s.l.
Connects: Wallis and Ticino
Valley locations: Ulrichen and Airolo
Built: 1969
Max. gradient: 13%
Winter closure: from October to June