Image 0 - Festival of San Lorenzo
Image 1 - Festival of San Lorenzo
Image 2 - Festival of San Lorenzo
Image 3 - Festival of San Lorenzo

Festival of San Lorenzo

55th San Lorenzo festivities in Sobrio

Saturday 3 August
from 19.00 - Street food
from 21.00 - Concert Speedking and ...Likes?

Thursday 8 August
from 7 p.m. - Tartare evening on reservation infoaass@yahoo.it
Music with the country duo BIG RIVER BAND

Friday 9 August
from 19.00 - Street food
from 9.30 p.m. - Concert event with ABBASHOW (Italy's first and official ABBA Tribute Band) - advance booking on www.biglietteria.ch
Saturday 10 August

from 7 p.m. - Barbecue in operation
from 9.30 pm - Dance with MORENO IL BIONDO AND ORCHESTRA GRANDE EVENTO - 70 years of Romagna mia

Sunday 11 August
10.30 am - Patronal mass in the church of S. Lorenzo
12.30 p.m. - S. LORENZO'S BUFFET (menu on www.aass.ch) - Booking required on 079 898 81 55 or 079 841 96 26
Musical entertainment with the MONCRINOS
from 2.30 p.m. - Afternoon recreation and entertainment for all ages
5 p.m. - balloon launch
from 19.00 - Grill in operation
from 9 p.m. - dancing with MARIANNA LANTERI's show orchestra

Information at www.aass.ch


  • CATEGORIES Local festivals , Get-togethers